jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

[TRANS] UZOOSIN's Love Love Planet Season 2: Friends' Introduction:

U:ZOOSIN's friends
Season 2 #1
Introducing U:ZOOSIN's friends!~

I'm going to introduce my friends~


''Byul Dali!''

who loves the stars and moon ^^~

Byul Dali's special-looking eyes~

are not a fashion glasses (-.-)/~
It's really just his eyes.~

My best friend among all
is 'Byul Dali' ^^~

Unimaginable!~ Pink aura~

I'm going to introduce my girlfriend now!~

UZOOgirl! Please come out!~


Lovely UZOOGIRL greets everyone~

*before makeup!~*
Well..although there's a slight difference before and after makeup~

I love to fly in the sky freely!~

Nice to meet you^^~
There will be lot of interesting stories with new UZOOGIRL and Byul Dali^^~

<Above photos of UZOOSIN's friends were sketched by Kim Hyun Joong. Thumbs up for the out-of-the-box imagination and sense~^^>

<The main illustration of UZOOSIN, friends and logo. Please give a lot of love to UZOOSIN and his friends ^^~>


Source: http://www.hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.asp?idx=60208&amp;code=special&amp;searchopt=&amp;searchkey=&amp;category=&amp;page=1

Credit: @5StarsAs1~http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rvas65

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